book with pages folded into a heart
Heart Book Fold Craft
Do you love books? Do you love crafts? Upcycle an old book and make a beautiful heart craft just in time for Valentine's Day! Join us Tuesday, February 4th, at 6pm and make this book fold heart. Call the library or register online

Home Page

Kindergarten Ready

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  Age Groups


Are you getting ready to attend kindergarten this fall? Looking to improve your child's reading readiness skills for Kindergarten in a few years? Join us for a kindergarten readiness fair. Pick up ideas to improve your child's basic skills and have fun together. For ages 2.5 to 5. No registration is required.

Art Club

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  Age Groups


For ages 5-12. Learn about artists and create your own masterpiece.

Stranger Than Fiction: Solar Eclipse

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


We will read a new non-fiction book together and complete projects and experiments about the upcoming solar eclipse. Learn how and why the sun will go dark for a few minutes this spring, and when it might happen again. Program is for ages 5-12, and students must be registered. Please call to register if you have not attended Stranger Than Fiction before. Attendees will receive eclipse glasses while supplies last. 

Make an Eclipse Bracelet

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  Age Groups


Make an Eclipse Bracelet!

Teen Book Bites

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Are you dying to tell someone about your latest reading obsession? Are you looking for your next great read? Is everyone sick of hearing you talk about your favorite book? We want to hear all about it! Sign up for Book Bites today! For ages 13-18, please call to register. Please bring a favorite book you've read.

Kindergarten Ready

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Join us for a kindergarten readiness fair. Pick up ideas to improve your child's basic skills and have fun together. For ages 2.5 to 5. No registration is required.

Kids Mini RPG

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  Age Groups


Join a simple role-playing game based on Dungeons and Dragons rules, but easier and faster. For ages 8-12. Call to register.

Art Club

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Art projects to share and take home about famous artist and art movements. For ages 5-12, please call to register.

Teen Dungeons and Dragons

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Teens are playing an ongoing quest. For ages 12-18. Space is limited.