book with pages folded into a heart
Heart Book Fold Craft
Do you love books? Do you love crafts? Upcycle an old book and make a beautiful heart craft just in time for Valentine's Day! Join us Tuesday, February 4th, at 6pm and make this book fold heart. Call the library or register online

Home Page

National Library Week

It’s National Library Week!

April 8—14

Celebrate National Library Week with us. Visit the library for activities and prizes.

· Recommend your favorite books

· Find suggestions for your next favorite title

· Tell us why you love your library

· Guess the staff member based on their home library shelf

· Check out our book face photos; create and post your own

Kids' Summer Programs

Programs for Preschoolers

Starting in June


Summer Reading - WIN THIS SUMMER by reading! Earn a reward for every 6 hours you read!

Community Search & Find - Use your smart phone to complete a virtual scavenger hunt in the library building and around the community all summer long.

Free Lunch - Ages 1-18 can stop in and get a free lunch Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays @ 12. 

Online Art Contest

The theme this month is WATER!

Submissions can be in any medium but must be submitted through private messaging to the library’s Facebook or through email to Please include a title, name, and either a phone number or an email address. We will only include the title in the voting.

1. Works will be judged by public poll; whoever receives the most votes will win. “Votes” are defined as likes on the individual picture.

Read and win

Don't be a Grinch, READ & WIN!! You can enter a drawing this month for this quilted Grinch wall hanging and stuffed figures with every book you check out. Contest begins 11/27/2019 and ends 12/31/2019. Special thanks to Nora Brant for donating this beautiful quilt and stuffed animals.

Library Renovation and Closure Information

Library Renovation and COVID-19 Update:  August 20, 2020

We're starting curbside services on Monday, August 31. It's a week later than we originally planned because we had some significant unforeseen delays with our data lines, but we are working to get them fixed! Keep an eye out for more information!

Your materials are NOT DUE until we reopen. We will waive any fines accumulated between March 16th and our reopening date.